Sunday Eric and I took Abigail to get her One month Pictures taken. We were not able to get newborn pictures because she was a premie and in the hospital for a while. But she still looks like a premie.
Upon arriving we found out that the studio wanted her to be asleep. So I was trying to get Abby to go to sleep and she was not having that..
She kept waking up. So we took the pictures with her awake. I am soooo glad she was awake. I lover her little eyes open!
We were getting ready to start taking the pictures and Eric says to Abby, "Abby if you poop on your mom I will buy you a nice car when you are 16". I rolled my eyes and laughed.
Well fast FWD and we are almost done taking pictures.... Well We are in a family picture and Eric is holding her and I am looking at her over his shoulder.... and suddenly we hear this pop sound... and I see Eric's face turn to horror... She had pooped all over his arm... so he moves his arm very suddenly I think he is going to throw her out of reflex (however he is just moving his arm away from his shirt.. I yell at him so he doesnt toss her across the room.. and then begin to laugh harder then I have ever laughed before.. and then she pees on him,...
She is only a month old and already on my side.. I love having a Daughter! If I were him i would never ask her to get me in a bad way for him ever again!