Thursday, December 22, 2011

Friends Forever....

I Loved my time at Lee University!  I met so many awesome people there.  My second roommate Christi was the best roommate I ever had.. No disrespect to my other roommates you all hold special places in my heart.  I just Loved living with my best friend!  We did everything together.. She met a girl in her psychology class named Liz.  She brought her over to the apt  a couple times and we all hung out.  However I would have said at the time she was more Christi's "friend".

The summer before I started my 3rd year at Lee I felt like I should call Liz.  I dont know why I called her to this day.. I dont eve know how I had her number.. I am so glad I called her.. We talked for hours.. and we talked a few more times over the summer.. Christi my best friend and roommate decided over the summer not to return to lee.  Even though I did NOT like her decision I supported her.  We have kept in touch and remained close to this day.. I love that my Lee experience included Christi Durham!

Since Liz and I had talked on and off over the summer we made plans to hang out once I got back to Lee (she lived there).  We hung out that first weekend I got back and every weekend (and many weekdays) after that(while at lee).   She and I have laughed so hard we have cried.  We have been there for each other when things got so hard we were crying out of desperation not joy.  I can not think of Lee without thinking of my best friend (besides Eric) Liz.  

Liz and I are both only children.  You would not think we would get along so well since we are used to getting our own way.. However We couldnt have gotten along better.  Up until that time I have never experienced such a friendship where I felt like a friend was just sooo in my corner no matter what.. I was also in hers.. and still am..

I moved to DC for my last semester and Liz and I talked all the time and she came to visit me.  We were going to move there together and be roommates..  I was going to get a job on the Hill and she was going to go to grad school there.  We even looked at apts.. At some point I felt like the Lord was telling me to go back home He had His plan for me there.. I was nervous to tell Liz.  We had all these plans..  She couldnt have been more supportive.. She said I needed to do what the Lord was telling me to do.. She didnt even act like she was disappointed.   She ended up going back to Atlanta to get her masters.. I ended up going home and a month or two later my dad had a heart attack.. He was looking for a youth pastor at the time and I stepped in temporarily. (i never left )  I eventually met Eric and the rest is history.
Liz was my maid of honor at my wedding.  Eric and I flew up when she graduated for her masters..
Liz has been the one in recent years to come visit us. I couldnt be more appreciative..  It is hard for me to get away with the kids being small.. Liz has pity on me and comes to visit..  We have a deal she comes to visit and we take her to amazing places to eat while she is here.

Even though we may not talk or text every day or maybe even at times every month, but we know we are there for each other no matter what.. We know we can pick up the phone and things are exactly the same.  We know who to call when we need a reality check or just someone to listen.

Sometimes the Lord gives you family you are born into.. I am so thankful for all of them! Love them dearly.  Sometimes the Lord gives you family through leading you to different places and being in different friendships.. Liz is my family and I am so thankful the Lord brought her to my family..

Our lives may look a lot different then when we met, but it is nice to know you still have a friend in your corner no matter what..