My Husband has been out of town on business. He doesnt go out of town often, but it has increased over the last year. I HATE when he is gone. Don't get me wrong. I am thankful he has a wonderful job, and I dont want him to change jobs. I know this is part of him providing for our family. I just dont like no I HATE when he isnt here.
When we got married two became one, and when He isnt here I feel like 1/2 of myself isnt here. I keep myself busy with taking care of our kids and church stuff. It is always in the back of my mind my home is not complete. Even during the day when he would normally be at work I miss him even more then normal..
Maybe this is a little weird, or maybe I am to clingy, but I dont care Eric is my husband and He is my best friend. I am so thankful that the Lord made him for me and me for him.. Eric and I have been married almost 5 years(i will post "our Story" soon), and I am more in love with him then the day I married him. I think it is an awesome thing that after FIVE years I still want to see him every day! haha..
I am so blessed at the Man of God he is.. He leads our family with Love, Dignity, Loyalty, and gentleness... and many more things...
Thank you Lord for the gift of marriage, and thank you for an awesome husband who loves me and our girls with all his heart!