1 Samuel 15:23
King James Version (KJV)
23 For rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft, and insubordination is as iniquity and idolatry.
Iniquity- Immoral or grossly unfair behavior
Idolatry- Worship of Idols
Insubordination- defiance of authority
If someone were to ask me if I am rebellious I would say no.. I was never really rebellious growing up. I didnt drink, smoke, have sex, or anything like that. I was always in church and with my youth group. I was not perfect by any stretch of the imagination. However I wouldn't use the word rebellious to describe myself.
I have to look farther into the word now as an adult. The word Rebellious isnt just in obeying a set of rules as a teenager growing up. It can also be an attitude. It could be something I have not given up to the Lord yet.. It could be me not doing something he has commanded in His word for me to do. It could be me not trusting Him. It could be me not giving him control of certain situations. It could be so much more then all of these things.
There are people the Lord has placed over me and I am called to submit to those people. I married my husband and in our vows there was something in there about submitting to him.
I want to say my husband is not the kind of man that leads our family heavy handed. We are a team and he truly does acknowledge that I hear from the Lord too. He is not threaten by that. Just yesterday He called me and said he was debating an action he should take or not. He called me told me about it and asked me to pray also and see what he should do.
When things come up in our life we both pray and pray for each other and decide together what we should do, or how we should go about things. However, if I feel we should do it differently then he does and he says no we are going to do this my way. I have to submit to that. It is what I am called to do. If I decide not to submit then I am in rebellion, and the bible says that is as witchcraft.
My husband is also my spiritual authority. So if I go against that the Bible says it is like i am insubordinate and am in Idolatry. That means I am Immoral and worship Idols. Holy Moly! I do not want to be those things.
I am blessed to be a full time mom. However, if I had an outside job I would aslo have to submit to my employer. If I didnt I would be the same as listed above. This kind of attitude will get you fired.
I also have a church I choose to attend and have the spiritual leadership of my Pastor. (who also happens to be my father) There are times I have to submit to my pastor. (dad or not) If I dont this verse describes me also.
I want to be in submission to the Authority the Lord has placed over me in my life. I also want to be in submission to my heavenly father. I never want to be in rebellion of what He has for me. I want to trust Him in all things and not rebel in that knowledge. I want to give Him complete control and not rebel in that. I never want it to be said of me "she followed the law, but was rebellious in her spiritual life or to my spiritual authority".
Lord thank you for giving me your word to help me know you more. Help me to take your word and know it is for me. Help me to trust fully in what you say and give you complete control, and to take your correction and walk wisely in you. Help me to submit to the people you have placed over me and to do it with a good attitude harboring no hard feelings. Thank you for the people you have placed over me spiritually. Lord, please lead the people over me and guide them. Help them to hear clearly. Help me to hear clearly. Help me to follow you and not need to see what is ahead, but trust you are leading me where you want me, and you will take care of the details. I do not want to be the things in this verse PLease remove any and every part of me that would be rebellious and insubordinate.