Eric instantly started googling the medicine I am on (to help with the MDS treatment). He read that skin cancer is a very real side effect of the medicine I am taking. While we were waiting for the results I discovered another spot during that time.
Eric came with me as we got the results back from the 2 biopsy's. Eric went into more detail the medicine I was on and the research he did on the drug. Dr. Heller said the two spots he found were indeed pre cancer.
Now with the knowledge of the common side effect I will be seen every month.
The good news is I should only be on this medication for another month or so. When I go off the medicine the risk of skin cancer goes back to normal.
In a couple weeks the Dr is going to go back to those areas and basically cut them out.
I am so thankful to the Lord's still small voice that nudged me to get checked out. He knows every detail of your body and soul. Listen to HIS voice. He will not lead you wrong. Jesus is my savior. He is my best friend. He cares about every detail. He knows ALL things trust Him wherever He leads you!