Colossians 3:18 Wives, be subject to your husbands, as is fitting in the Lord.
OK So Abby is in VPK, and at her school they have assignments given to the children. (line leader, the caboose, lunch helper, Electrician, door holder ext)
There is a designated Line Leader every day... There is also someone designated to be at the end of the line. These Rolls are not the same but have equal importance. The Line leader Followers the Teacher and her instructions. The line leader leads the class as they follow the teacher. The person designated to be at the end of the line makes sure no one is felt behind. They make sure everyone is ahead of them going where they should be.
Submission Means to LINE UP UNDER. The husband is called to be the head of the house. He is the Line leader. I am not saying that wives are not as important as their husbands. I am saying both are equally important, but we both have different roles. We have to operate in our God Given roles. I will answer to the Lord one day for How I operated in the role he has given me..
The way the Lord has these roles set up is really safety for us.. Females tend to want to feel safe and secure.. The Role the Lord gave our husbands is to help us feel safe and secure. In 1peter 3 Sarah is commended for submitting to Abraham. Even though Abraham put Sarah in harms way to protect himself she submitted and was commended for it. If you read the story the Lord showed up and moved on Sarah's behalf. Her husband was putting his needs above hers However even in this she submitted and was commended.. She was also PROTECTED. Sarah put her trust in her God to protect her.. Perfect love casts out ALL FEAR. She was not afraid. Seems to me if we KNOW the Lord loves us we wont FEAR in anything.
I have admitted on more then one occasion how I wrestle with Fear.. When I am fearful I am questioning the Lord's love for me. What more does he have to do, for me to not question His love!?
I know some ladies out there would say you dont know my husband. If you knew my husband you would understand why I cant submit (get in line under).
The truth is I dont know everyones situation.. I just know if i dont submit to my husband I am not submitting to the Lord, because that is what he has commanded me to do. That means i am in rebellion and we saw in a pervious blog what rebellion is..
It is also a sign of fear. That means I question the Lords love for me..
Lord help me to submit to my husband and to you with a pure heart. Help me to be the wife and mother you have called me to be. Help me to show my daughters the correct role of a wife and mother. Help us to raise our daughters in YOU so the don't ever have FEAR, and never question your love!!
Please help my Husband as he has the enormous responsibility of being the head of our house. Help him to hear from you and know your voice and fallow you always.
This Devotional topic was by Donna Gaines Thoughts are mine