Monday, March 24, 2008


I dont know why the Pic didnt post but here it is again


We had a wonderful Easter.. We go to church several times a week all year long. However, this is the one of the few times a year I am able to get eric ro color coordinate with me. This was extra special because we have abigail with us now. I went shopping for her earlier this week to see if I could find an easter Dress. They dont have any newborn easter dresses..
How terrible is that? My mother in law had gotten her this beautiful purple easter looking dress what was a Premie. She has out grown that size. However I was booking on the chance she had not outgrown that dress. So I bought a puple shirt for myself and purple tie for Eric. Easter morning and I put the dress on her and IT FITS!!!.. I was so happy.. It's the little things in life you know....

So here is the picture.. I still havent lost all the baby weight but I am working on it.. I am not allowed to work out till Thursday.. So once that happens hopefully it will be a fast process.