Mark 14:8 She had done what she could; She has anointed my body beforehand for my burial.
In my Previous Blog I talked and Listed verses about Mary of Bethany. This blog is a continuation of that..
Mary of Bethany's brother Lazarus had died. Mary stayed at her house and didnt move. Her sister Martha ran to see Jesus and told Him "you should have come sooner". Mary didnt go see Jesus until he had sent for her. She said something similar to what Martha said to Jesus. However the Bible tells us this time Jesus wept. I wonder why he wept? He didn't weep when Martha came to him. He wept with mary. I wonder did He weep because Mary had a closer relationship with him. Did He weep because He loved Lazarus so much. Did He weep because they seemed to blame Him? Did He weep because they didn't have faith he could still heal Lazarus? Did he weep because of Mary's desperation?
I Dont know why. However He did in fact cry.
A few days Later Mary put very expensive perfume on Jesus's feet. The disciples were upset about this and Jesus stopped them and said she is preparing Him for his burial. The disciples didnt believe Him they didnt really get He would die. They spent so much time with Him and yet didn't really grasp that part. Mary however who sat at the feet of Jesus and learned from her teacher GOT IT. She knew He would be leaving.
Lord Help me to be like Mary and really HEAR what you are trying to teach me.. Help me to GET IT. Help me be wise with your teaching. Help me to thirst more for you.
This Blog discusion was discussed in Donna Gaines Devotional