Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Follow the Leader

Colossians 3:18 Wives, be subject to your husbands, as is fitting in the Lord.

OK So Abby is in VPK, and at her school they have assignments given to the children.  (line leader, the caboose, lunch helper, Electrician, door holder ext)

There is a designated Line Leader every day... There is also someone designated to be at the end of the line.  These Rolls are not the same but have equal importance.  The Line leader Followers the Teacher and her instructions.  The line leader leads the class as they follow the teacher.  The person designated to be at the end of the line makes sure no one is felt behind.  They make sure everyone is ahead of them going where they should be.

Submission Means to LINE UP UNDER.  The husband is called to be the head of the house.  He is the Line leader.  I am not saying that wives are not as important as their husbands.  I am saying both are equally important, but we both have different roles.  We have to operate in our God Given roles.  I will answer to the Lord one day for How I operated in the role he has given me..

The way the Lord has these roles set up is really safety for us.. Females tend to want to feel safe and secure.. The Role the Lord gave our husbands is to help us feel safe and secure.  In 1peter 3 Sarah is commended for submitting to Abraham.  Even though Abraham put Sarah in harms way to protect himself she submitted and was commended for it.  If you read the story the Lord showed up and moved on Sarah's behalf.  Her husband was putting his needs above hers However even in this she submitted and was commended..  She was also PROTECTED.  Sarah put her trust in her God to protect her.. Perfect love casts out ALL FEAR.  She was not afraid.    Seems to me if we KNOW the Lord loves us we wont FEAR in anything.

I have admitted on more then one occasion how I wrestle with Fear..  When I am fearful I am questioning the Lord's love for me.  What more does he have to do, for me to not question His love!?

I know some ladies out there would say you dont know my husband.  If you knew my husband you would understand why I cant submit (get in line under).
The truth is I dont know everyones situation..  I just know if i dont submit to my husband I am not submitting to the Lord, because that is what he has commanded me to do.  That means i am in rebellion and we saw in a pervious blog what rebellion is..
It is also a sign of fear.  That means I question the Lords love for me..

Lord help me to submit to my husband and to you with a pure heart.  Help me to be the wife and mother you have called me to be.  Help me to show my daughters the correct role of a wife and mother.  Help us to raise our daughters in YOU so the don't ever have FEAR, and never question your love!!
Please help my Husband as he has the enormous responsibility of being the head of our house.  Help him to hear from you and know your voice and fallow you always.

This Devotional topic was by Donna Gaines  Thoughts are mine

Monday, September 24, 2012

Mary of Bethany Part 2

Mark 14:8 She had done what she could; She has anointed my body beforehand for my burial.

In my Previous Blog I talked and Listed verses about Mary of Bethany.  This blog is a continuation of that..

Mary of Bethany's brother Lazarus had died.  Mary stayed at her house and didnt move.  Her sister Martha ran to see Jesus and told Him "you should have come sooner".  Mary didnt go see Jesus until he had sent for her.  She said something similar to what Martha said to Jesus.  However the Bible tells us this time Jesus wept.  I wonder why he wept?  He didn't weep when Martha came to him.   He wept with mary.  I wonder did He weep because Mary had a closer relationship with him.  Did He weep because He loved Lazarus so much.  Did He weep because they seemed to blame Him?  Did He weep because they didn't have faith he could still heal Lazarus?  Did he weep because of Mary's desperation?

I Dont know why.  However He did in fact cry.

A few days Later Mary put very expensive perfume on Jesus's feet.  The disciples were upset about this and Jesus stopped them and said she is preparing Him for his burial.  The disciples didnt believe Him they didnt really get He would die.  They spent so much time with Him and yet didn't really grasp that part.  Mary however who sat at the feet of Jesus and learned from her teacher GOT IT.  She knew He would be leaving.

Lord Help me to be like Mary and really HEAR what you are trying to teach me.. Help me to GET IT. Help me be wise with your teaching.  Help me to thirst more for you.

This Blog discusion was discussed in Donna Gaines Devotional

Friday, September 21, 2012

Trip to Walmart with Daddy,,

Eric has been working so hard and long hours.  Last night Eric wanted to go to walmart to look for something to hang our tv with.  He asked Abby if she wanted to go with him.  Abby jumped at the chance. Abby also asked of she could just pick one toy out.(like she needs anymore) I asked Eric to pick up childrens Motrin and milk while he was there.  I told abby to make sure she stayed with Daddy and kissed her goodbye.

They left and went on their adventure to walmart.  Eveyone knows Walmart is an adventure.

THe rest of the story is what was told to me by Eric.

They walk into Walmart and Abby says I want to walk and not go in the cart is that ok Daddy.  Eric said oh yes you are walking.  (in his mind thinking why does she mommy make her get in a cart)
They went to look for something to hang out TV with.  (the reason for the trip)  Walmart didnt have the one Eric wanted so off they went to the toy isle.  Eric said Abby would walk with him and then stop and look at things and take forever. (he realized why I make her get in the cart)

Next stop toy isle.... Abby picks out a toy she has seen on her Barbie and the Pop star movie (60.00)
Eric told her it was to expensive.  Abby then has to pick out something else.

Off to the line to check out they go.  They get all the way in the line and wait in it till they are next inline, and abby says wait daddy you forgot to get Milk and Medicine for Maddie.  Out of the line they go.  If you know anything about Walmart Milk is in the way back of the store and the medicine is across the store. So off Eric and Abby went (all the while abby stopping at every thing she sees saying oh how cute) (wishing he had a cart now).  He goes and gets the milk and Medicine.

Now they are back in line and get up to the front while Abby says daddy we have to get mommy flowers! Look they are right there! Eric says ok go pick them out and I will watch you from right here.  So Abby runs over and picks flowers on the very top she can not reach.  She says daddy I cant reach and stands on her tip toes reaching as hard as she could.  Eric looks and he is first in line again, but the good news no one is behind him.  Eric goes over and gets the flowers on top for abby to give to me.
They walk back over to the line and now there is about 6 to 8 people in line.  Abby and Eric get back in line for a 3rd time in walmart.

Finally success!  Thank the Lord my 4 1/2 year old was there. lol
Moral of the story.... A trip to Walmart is always longer then you thing

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Mary of Bethany

Verses to read
Luke 10:42
Luke 10:38-42
John 11
John 12:1-8

Today in my Devotional I was reading about Mary and Martha.  Jesus came to their house and Martha was busy doing a lot of work while Mary sat at the feet of Jesus to learn from him.  There are other verses listed about where Mary is mentioned in the bible.

Martha complained to Jesus about Mary not helping her do any of the work.  Jesus told her what Mary is doing "can't be taken away from her.

Growing up in church I have heard the story of Mary and Martha so many times I have lost count.  I honestly havent though of this bible story in years.  Today reading about it made me look into my own life a bit more.

Growing up as a pastors daughter I have went back and forth from being mary to martha, martha to mary so many times.  Now I am a pastors wife.  I have been in ministry since I was well before I was born. lol  I know how to WORK for the Lord.  I have done it all my life.  Working for the Lord is very important.  I dont know how to just go to church.  I am a worker.  However, I want so desperately(more then every before) to be Mary.  I am not saying I dont want to work in the church or to stop my commitments there.  However, what I am saying is I can get so busy in the busy work I forget or runout of time, or ignore the side of me that cries out to just sit and learn from Jesus.

I mentioned before I am  a daughter/wife of Pastors, and my mom is very good at preaching herself.  I have heard countless sermons.. I have heard these three people in my life preach awesome life changing sermons.  I am not trying to be little the importance of church and hearing the heart of your pastors.

However, it  is just as important for me to have my own time with the Lord where I sit at his feet and learn.  I have to pick up my bible on my own and read it.  I have to open my heart up to learning from His word and what He reveals to me in my spirit.  I cant get that part out of sermons.  I can't depend on other people for that.  I have to make time and do it for myself.

I am BUSY, but I am seeing why now more then ever I have to make time for just me and the Lord and learn from Him.  I want my girls to know that I their mom worked for the Lord but also had a deep relationship with him. I want to make sure they see that I know I dont know everything there is to know about the Lord.  I have to study so I can know more.  I want them to know I havent fully arrived.   If I dont demonstrate to them that I am the student and I have to learn at His feet.  If I dont who will?  I want to show this to my children so they know they can have a close deep relationship with the Lord.

I want to be about my Father's business all the while staying at his feet and learning everything I can about Him.

Help me Father to always make the time to seek your face first.  You have to fill be up so I can be poured out.  Lord I want to be in constant motion.. Fill and pour  fill and pour..

Help my children to always know you are near and help them to always seek your face and be unstoppable for YOUR glory.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Because I said so

I am reading a Devotional and today it made me thing of parenting.  How many times have my parents said "because I said so"?  How many times have I said that to Abby  (maddie isnt old enough yet.  i am sure I will say it to her as well)  I am sure I will say it countless more times.

It my devotional it made me think how many time does the Lord say that to me?  Oh how I hate it...
I have to look at the reasoning behind why I say it.  Many times I try to explain however my 4 1/2 year old's mind cant comprehend what I am saying.  She doesnt get my reasoning.  I tell my daughter because I said so because I need her to trust me on some things.  It is the same way with the Lord He needs us to trust him, and just do it (or not do it ) because He said so.

The Lord doesnt always give reasons.  Many times I go on my own reasoning.  I dont really do as well under my reasoning, however I keep making that mistake.  All the while I am expecting my daughter to do the same thing.

Lord help me to do things (or not do them) simply because you said so.  Help me to trust and obey you at all times and in all things.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Spiritual Authority

1 Samuel 15:23

King James Version (KJV)
23 For rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft, and insubordination is as iniquity and idolatry.

Witchcraft- The practice of Magic esp Black Magic; the use of spells and the invocation of spirits.

Iniquity- Immoral or grossly unfair behavior 

Idolatry- Worship of Idols

Insubordination- defiance of authority 

If someone were to ask me if I am rebellious I would say no.. I was never really rebellious growing up.  I didnt drink, smoke, have sex, or anything like that.  I was always in church and with my youth group.  I was not perfect by any stretch of the imagination. However I wouldn't use the word rebellious to describe myself.  

I have to look farther into the word now as an adult.  The word Rebellious isnt just in obeying a set of rules as a teenager growing up.  It can also be an attitude.  It could be something I have not given up to the Lord yet.. It could be me not doing something he has commanded in His word for me to do.  It could be me not trusting Him. It could be me not giving him control of certain situations. It could be so much more then all of these things.  

There are people the Lord has placed over me and I am called to submit to those people.  I married my husband and in our vows there was something in there about submitting to him.  

I want to say my husband is not the kind of man that leads our family heavy handed.  We are a team and he truly does acknowledge that I hear from the Lord too.  He is not threaten by that.  Just yesterday He called me and said he was debating an action he should take or not.  He called me told me about it and asked me to pray also and see what he should do.  

When things come up in our life we both pray and pray for each other and decide together what we should do, or how we should go about things.  However, if I feel we should do it differently then he does and he says no we are going to do this my way. I have to submit to that. It is what I am called to do.  If I decide not to submit then I am in rebellion, and the bible says that is as witchcraft.  

My husband is also my spiritual authority.  So if I go against that the Bible says it is like i am insubordinate and am in Idolatry.  That means I am Immoral and worship Idols.  Holy Moly!  I do not want to be those things. 

I am blessed to be a full time mom.  However, if I had an outside job I would aslo have to submit to my employer.  If I didnt I would be the same as listed above.  This kind of attitude will get you fired.  

I also have a church I choose to attend and have the spiritual leadership of my Pastor. (who also happens to be my father)  There are times I have to submit to my pastor. (dad or not)  If I dont this verse describes me also.

I want to be in submission to the Authority the Lord has placed over me in my life.  I also want to be in submission to my heavenly father.  I never want to be in rebellion of what He has for me.   I want to trust Him in all things and not rebel in that knowledge.  I want to give Him complete control and not rebel in that.  I never want it to be said of me "she followed the law, but was rebellious in her spiritual life or to my spiritual authority".

Lord thank you for giving me your word to help me know you more.  Help me to take your word and know it is for me.  Help me to trust fully in what you say and give you complete control, and to take your correction and walk wisely in you.  Help me to submit to the people you have placed over me and to do it with a good attitude harboring no hard feelings. Thank you for the people you have placed over me spiritually.  Lord, please lead the people over me and guide them.  Help them to hear clearly.  Help me to hear clearly.  Help me to follow you and not need to see what is ahead, but trust you are leading me where you want me, and you will take care of the details. I do not want to be the things in this verse PLease remove any and every part of me that would be rebellious and insubordinate.

Monday, September 17, 2012


Phil 4:4-7
4 Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice! 5 Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near. 6 Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. 7 And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

Rejoice Feel or show great joy or delight in the greek definition it also means to thrive

Rejoicing is sometimes easier then others.  We could be rejoicing in the Lord and then all of a sudden there is something that comes along and takes the wind out of our sails.  Maybe we have gotten bad news that someone we love is dying.  It could be anything.  Maybe you are discouraged with how your children are behaving.  It could be a wide variety of reasons you dont want to rejoice.  However this verse tells us REJOICE.  

THis verse says rejoice in the Lord ALWAYS.  That means never stop! Rejoice in Him no matter what! 
Someone may be thinking, but you dont know what I am going through. You are right I dont know, but it doesnt change this verse.  It is saying rejoice in spite of our circumstances.  

Let your gentleness be evident to all
This is really saying do not let your emotions get the best of you.  How many times have I snapped at someone because i am feeling anxious about a situation in my life?  Countless! Lord Help me to be gentle in all things and in all times.  Help me to be this example for my Children.  I want my children to know a gentle mother not a harsh one.  I want my husband to know a loving wife that has faith in Jesus and me mood isnt determined by what is going on around me.  I do not want my emotions to control my attitude and mood...

This verse goes on to tell me WHY to rejoice and be gentle.. Because no matter what I am going through the LORD IS NEAR.  He hasnt forgotten me.  He does care about the little things in my life as well as the big.  He has not given up on me.  I have his promise that HE IS NEAR ME!!  HE IS WITH ME..  How many times do we feel alone in certain situations? How many times do we feel alone with so many people around us?  We are NOT alone... He is with us.. He is with me! ALWAYS!

This next part is always hard for me.  DO NOT BE ANXIOUS ABOUT ANYTHING!!! 
Holy Cow .. THis is hard for me..  I have mentioned in previous posts how I can WORRY!  If I am anxious about something I am not trusting the Lord.  That means I am calling Him a liar.  I am saying "Lord I know what your word says, but I am going to worry."  I am not believing He will do what He said He will do.  I am calling him a Liar.. 

My need to worry does NOT come from a past situation where the Lord let me down.  In fact it is the opposite.  He has NEVER let me down.  So why do I worry when HE SAYS DONT WORRY I GOT THIS..

It is probably my need to feel in control.  That goes against everything with the Lord.  I have to give HIM control and resist my sinful nature to control everything..  UGG when will I get this right?!  Well the Lord knew I needed to hear this a lot, because it is in the Bible time and time again.  

If you think about it what does worry really do?  NOTHING just makes you worry more... Instead I am to praying about it to the Lord.  

Sometimes in times past I have felt bad about bring my wants (petition) before the Lord.  I would feel like Lord I am always asking you for things.. I should ask all the time.. Well this verse says I need to pray and bring my petition before the Lord.  He also says in this verse they are requests.  THis means He may not do it the way I want.  Sometimes the answer is NO or WAIT.. Oh I hate that.. 

I am apart of the microwave generation.  I want answers NOW.  Just tell me yes or no please.  However, if I know all the answers when I ask how is that teaching me not to worry?  How is that teaching me to TRUST in the LORD.  It isn't.. So Wait I shall do.. 

Even when the answer is WAIT the LORD is still NEAR us He hasnt LEFT!!  SO I Will REJOICE!!! I HAVE TO.. This is what I was created to do!!!!  THis is where I find my purpose.. THis is where I find answers.. THis is where I find Jesus holding me up to rejoice when I cant stand anymore..  THis is where I find his PEACE!!!  Dont we all need a little more Peace.. I DO!!  ME ME ME! OVER HERE.. 

To get that PEACE I have to Give up somethings!!I have to give up worry.  I have to give up the need to control.  I have to give up the need to know every answer!  I have to learn to lean on HIM more.  I have to recognize I NEED JESUS.  In everything..

I was watching Big Brother 14 last night.. Brittney asked Janell Do you ever cry? She said no  She said if I have a bad emotion I change it.. 

This is what this verse is talking about.. If I have a bad emotion or if I have worry.  I have to change it.. The only way I can change those emotions is to REJOICE.

So that is why I want to REJOICE in the Lord always and again I say REJOICE!!

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Hope That Soars

Isaiah 40:29-31

New International Version (NIV)
29 He gives strength to the weary
    and increases the power of the weak.
30 Even youths grow tired and weary,
    and young men stumble and fall;
31 but those who hope in the Lord
    will renew their strength.
They will soar on wings like eagles;
    they will run and not grow weary,
    they will walk and not be faint.

Oh how wonderful these words are!  He gives strength to the weary!  No matter what kind of front I want to put on there are times I am WEARY!

Definition of Weary
Feeling or showing tiredness, esp. as a result of excessive exertion
I have so many hats... I get really busy.. I know I know most of us are busy!  
At times I also feel SO weak.  I feel like I cant do all this on my own..  How can I be the Daughter, Wife, Mother, Pastors wife, Mentor, and Child of God I am called to be.  

Someone might say why are you admitting all this on a BLOG no less.  I am admitting I get Weary and Weak.  However I dont view this as a bad thing in and of it self.  I am excited that I QUALIFY for this Promise in the Bible.  I am not perfect! I get tired and overwhelmed.  I am so glad I have a loving father that looks at my imperfections and says "here I have promise for you too".  

I also know I can not stay in those weary and weak times.  I have to accept that the Lord wants me strong and powerful.  If I want to be strong in Christ and grow in my maturity then I have to "snap out of it" when I get like that.

I dont want to be an eagle that is scared to soar.  He created me to soar. 
Ben Patterson in "Prayer Devotional Bible" said the power of the eagle is not in the flapping but in the soaring.

Many times i get so caught up in the flapping I forget to soar.  I think many times that is why I get tired.  I flap to much lol.. 

How can I soar?  Well I have always been a worrier.  I worry about crazy things.. However I know that I can not be a Woman of faith and fear all at the same time. I have to be one or the other.  I have to choose to be a woman of FAITH not fear. 

That is how I can soar! I have to give all my fears and failures to the Lord.  I can't worry about them.  I cant hold on to them.. WHen I hold onto them I CAN'T SOAR. 

I have to let go because my HOPE is in Jesus and that HE WILL take care of me and my family.  He will make a way when there is no way.  He will complete what He has started in me.  He will guide me to be the best wife, mother, daughter ext.. I can be..
He will correct me when needed because the bible says he LOVES THOSE HE CORRECTS.  

It seems to me there is probably a correlation from getting weary and weak to stumbling and falling.. Perhaps if I can keep manage on the first half I will be on guard and it will help me not to fall.  I am so thankful He is there to pick me up when I fall and helps me start again!

Thank you Lord for helping me be unstoppable for you!  Thank you Lord for creating me to soar.  My Hope is truly in you so that I can soar like an eagle.  Help me to let go of the things I hold onto keeping me from soaring.  

What are you holding onto that is keeping YOU from soaring?

This topic and verse I got out of A Daily Women's Devotional by Navpress.  This particular  verse and study was discussed by Leighann McCoy.  If you would like to read their views and comments on this verse I encourage you to get the book and read it.  The above are my thoughts on her topic...

Friday, September 14, 2012

Hope Does Not Disappoint

Peace and Joy

1 Therefore, since we have been justified through faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, 2 through whom we have gained access by faith into this grace in which we now stand. And we rejoice in the hope of the glory of God. 3 Not only so, but we also rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; 4 perseverance, character; and character, hope. 5 And hope does not disappoint us, because God has poured out his love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom he has given us.
Romans 5:1-5

Life can be so hard.  
Things happen in life (many times) that are out of our control.  Regardless who you feel should be at the head of this country the turbulent world around us is scary.  Situations in many of our lives seem hopeless and irreparable.  There are many people out there who have raised their children in the way of the Lord and their children despise the Lord and the church.  Marriages fall apart. People die. Life can be an emotional roller coaster.

How can we as Christians not be swayed by the horrible things going on around us and in our lives.. I mean after all the verse I listed says Hope does not disappoint..   Some may ask if hope does not Disappoint then how do all these "bad" things keep happening in our lives and in the lives of people we love..  

I think many times people take that part of the scripture out of context and many people have left the Lord because He didn't do what WE hoped for.  After all if Hope does not Disappoint then why didn't Jesus do what we hoped for?  

We have to look deep into our heart and see where our hope is anchored.  Is our hope anchored in the outcome of our circumstances? or, is our hope anchored in God and his love for us despite our circumstances.  

This scripture talks about How we gain access to grace and faith through Jesus.  Just because we gain access doesnt mean we use it properly.  We have to work on going to our hope and faith in Christ..  These verses seem to refer to having hope in CHrist when things are going well..  Rejoice in him!! That seems to be easier for some in the good times..    

We also have to rejoice in Him in our times of suffering.  Who wants to rejoice in times of suffering?  Not me. not if I am honest.  I want to curl up in a ball and cry.  However We rejoice in times of suffering because that brings about perseverance and perseverance brings Character and Character brings forth Hope.. However this isnt hope in a specific outcome in our current circumstance.  
It is hope that no  matter what the circumstance HE loves me and will fill me with His love so I can go on and do what He has called me to do.

I do not want to be someone the rejoices in just the GOOD TIMES.. I also do not want to be someone that just runs to the Lord in bad times.. Trying to immaturely make deals with the Lord in trying to get the outcome I want.. 

I want to be a person the rejoices in ALL things.  I know bad things happen and can knock the wind out of your sails.  However I want to be someone that dusts myself off and gets up, because that is what He has called me to do.

Many might say why do all this after all I am not called to anything. I say look around and see what is around you.  Are you a mother, father, son, daughter brother, sister, employee, do you have neighbors?  Then you are called and have purpose for something...

My main reasoning for wanting to get this right are my daughters.  After all don't I expect them to not throw temper tantrums when I say no to something they want?  I have to be a good example of a child being let by my Father to do the same.  

I want to raise strong girls in Christ to have their HOPE in CHRIST and not the circumstances, so I have to do my best to demonstrate that for them.  Being a Godly Wife and Mother is my Highest calling.. Sure we have ministry obligations and I do not take that lightly! However, my highest calling and responsibility is to my Husband and daughters.   

I have to have Hope that even when circumstances do not turn out the way I would like that is NOT my HOPE..  My hope is that no matter what happens in life that my Jesus is going to turn it around for my good.. That He will take care of me and my family in this world.  

That Death is a lie to those who love the Lord (taken form one of my husbands sermons)  

I am not Living for this world!  

So I ask you What is Your HOPE really in?

I am reading a daily devotional  by NavPress