Monday, December 12, 2011

Exciting Times..

I am sure many of my posts will have to do with my church (, or Christian related topics.  I am a Pastor's Daughter I am a Pastor's Wife and above all I am a christian.  So alot of what I say and think revolves around where I spend my time and thoughts.  The things that occupy that is The Lord, My husband and children, Church/youth and my extended family..  To me it isnt a bad thing.  I love the Lord.  I love My family and I love my Church....

We are doing something interesting at our church this year.  We are having a Christmas Eve service with a $3,000 give a way.  Every person that comes will get a gift.  It will be a cash gift of either 5.00 20.00 50.00 100.00 or 500.00.

I know what some might be thinking because I know what some people are saying.. "you are just paying people to come to church.. "  Well I admit we are using it as an incentive for people to come.  We have a community full of people that need to hear about my Jesus.. If this helps them get into the door so we can share Christ's love so be it..   Some people might say well you are just wanting more people in your church.. TO that I say.. We want to grow the Kingdom of God...  I want to see churches all over the world full... So yes we want more people in church, but not just ours.. We want to build heaven..

People have a tendency of seeing church as a body that wants to take from them not give to them  We have a hurting world that needs to experience the Love of God.  We can not share that love if they arent there to share it to.  So sometimes you have to get creative.

The church (not just ours many) has offered food assistance for years.  We give them food yes because they need it.. But we also gave them food so that they will come and we give them food but also so we can pray for them and share Jesus with them.

We arent doing anything new just in a different way...  

We are doing a lot of different things to get ready for this event... We went out last saturday and put door knockers out and invited the people in our neighborhood to the Christmas eve service.. We have 4 new families there on Sunday because of those door knockers..  (about 20 people) Some arent even waiting till Christmas eve they are coming NOW!  How awesome is that..  They just needed a personal invite!  Thats ok we can do that !

We also are making a video to show clips of what the Lord has done in the lives of some of our members at church..  Short clips going from person to person giving a couple sentences of what the Lord has done in their lives..  That is right SENTENCES less if possible..

I know it is hard to say what the Lord has done in so few words.. and we say people struggle with how to say what the Lord has done in a few sentences.. Holy COW I didnt know how much he was done in some of my church families lives!!  I will post a video of it after Christmas so you all can see it!

I am so excited.  Excited to see such anticipation in what the Lord is doing.  I am excited to be living right here and right now and be apart of such an awesome church that has a heart of reaching people that need the Lord.  I am just excited to be apart of it.....