Thursday, September 20, 2012

Mary of Bethany

Verses to read
Luke 10:42
Luke 10:38-42
John 11
John 12:1-8

Today in my Devotional I was reading about Mary and Martha.  Jesus came to their house and Martha was busy doing a lot of work while Mary sat at the feet of Jesus to learn from him.  There are other verses listed about where Mary is mentioned in the bible.

Martha complained to Jesus about Mary not helping her do any of the work.  Jesus told her what Mary is doing "can't be taken away from her.

Growing up in church I have heard the story of Mary and Martha so many times I have lost count.  I honestly havent though of this bible story in years.  Today reading about it made me look into my own life a bit more.

Growing up as a pastors daughter I have went back and forth from being mary to martha, martha to mary so many times.  Now I am a pastors wife.  I have been in ministry since I was well before I was born. lol  I know how to WORK for the Lord.  I have done it all my life.  Working for the Lord is very important.  I dont know how to just go to church.  I am a worker.  However, I want so desperately(more then every before) to be Mary.  I am not saying I dont want to work in the church or to stop my commitments there.  However, what I am saying is I can get so busy in the busy work I forget or runout of time, or ignore the side of me that cries out to just sit and learn from Jesus.

I mentioned before I am  a daughter/wife of Pastors, and my mom is very good at preaching herself.  I have heard countless sermons.. I have heard these three people in my life preach awesome life changing sermons.  I am not trying to be little the importance of church and hearing the heart of your pastors.

However, it  is just as important for me to have my own time with the Lord where I sit at his feet and learn.  I have to pick up my bible on my own and read it.  I have to open my heart up to learning from His word and what He reveals to me in my spirit.  I cant get that part out of sermons.  I can't depend on other people for that.  I have to make time and do it for myself.

I am BUSY, but I am seeing why now more then ever I have to make time for just me and the Lord and learn from Him.  I want my girls to know that I their mom worked for the Lord but also had a deep relationship with him. I want to make sure they see that I know I dont know everything there is to know about the Lord.  I have to study so I can know more.  I want them to know I havent fully arrived.   If I dont demonstrate to them that I am the student and I have to learn at His feet.  If I dont who will?  I want to show this to my children so they know they can have a close deep relationship with the Lord.

I want to be about my Father's business all the while staying at his feet and learning everything I can about Him.

Help me Father to always make the time to seek your face first.  You have to fill be up so I can be poured out.  Lord I want to be in constant motion.. Fill and pour  fill and pour..

Help my children to always know you are near and help them to always seek your face and be unstoppable for YOUR glory.