Eric and I were married January 20, 2007. It all moved very fast for us.. I will post that blog on another day. We found out I was pregnant in August of 07.. See I told ya fast... She was due Late March.
I had a very good pregnancy at first. I didnt really have another one to compare it to, but I thought it was going well. I went to all my Dr's appointments. We couldnt wait to find out the sex so we went to a 3D ultrasound place when i was around 15 weeks along.. She had her legs closed... She continued to have her legs closed every week we went back for 3 solid weeks.. (if you know abby it she is totally the kid that does things when she is darn good and ready!) A GIRL!! We were sooo excited.. Well I was excited Eric was scared to death.. (dont believe him if he tells you otherwise)
I had had NO swelling up to this point.
Shortly before my shower I was sitting at my desk in my office.. and felt a rushing sensation go to my legs and feet.. I didnt think much of it but when i got up I noticed my legs felt stiff and I couldnt walk normally. I went to my dads office and we were talking.. He said wow your legs are swollen. I didnt even look and say sure dad... I havent had any swelling.. He said you do now. I looked down and was amazed. I didnt have it before.. I looked and kept pressing my skin watching it sink into itself and staying that way a very long time.... We talked about it a few mins and didnt really think much about it.
My Grandmother came down for my baby shower. Mom told me to shower her my legs.. I did and she said (in her southern voice) Jessie you should ask your mother in law about that. That isnt right. I said ok (thinking I wasnt going to bother her with a little swelling).
My Mom, Mother in law, and Aunt gave me an awesome Baby shower
Our family and church family were so AWESOME to us.. They got us so many beautiful things for our Abby. There were SOOOO many presents.. I was in the process of opening presents and it took a very long time. I mention the time not to complain but because Even when I am not Prego I visit the bathroom often. So when I was prego the small Bladder I had turned to the size of thimble. I sat there opening all the presents and went through the whole shower and didnt have to go once. I remember my mom kept saying "do you need a break?" I said no I am fine. Not having to go to the Bathroom once durning my shower worried my mom.. After the shower was over my mom was near Grandma Judy (erics gma) and Mom said show Judy your ankles. So I did. She said something like oh my.. I laughed and said yea they are something.. Later I took my mother in law and other family over to my house to show them Abby's room. Judy said Karen look at her ankles.. She did and said when do you go back to the Dr. I said Thursday ( it was only saturday).. She yeah they need to look at that.. She said keep an eye on it.. maybe call them and see if they want to see you sooner.. I said ok.. Didnt really think about it again. However my parents were worried about my swelling and asked me if I showed Karen and what did she say.. I told him and he said well maybe you should call now.. I said ok maybe I will..
I told Eric about all that when we got home.. He started to get worried and called Rand (his step dad who is a DR.) and told him about my swelling. He told him I should call my dr..
So I did..
The Dr on call that night said it was probably nothing and keep my legs up and call back the next day (super bowl Sunday) if it hasnt gone down.. Next day came I went to church sat in the balcony with my feet up went back home sat with my feet up all day and evening.. Eric was taking a nap that night and I was sitting writing thank you cards. I looked at my feet and though wow they havent gone down.. I guess i will call the Dr again.. So I did.. It was a different Dr on call Dr Rice. I told her everything the Dr the night before had said and she said well it is probably nothing, but to make you feel better go get ur BP taken and call me back if it is anything over 140/90.
I went to get my BP taken (didnt think I should wake Eric up as I didnt think there was anything wrong. Went to CVS and my BP was 155/105. I went home and opened the Door (planning to wake eric up) and he was sitting on the couch putting on his shoes. I said what are you doing.. He said the Lord woke me up and told me to get my shoes on because I (he) was going somewhere. I told him about my BP and we were getting in the car. He said you better call your parents.. Still thinking nothing was really wrong and I would be back in a couple hours) I said no.. They were having a super bowl party and I didnt want to bother them. He insisted. So i called and told them the story and told my mom I was fine and I would call her when I got there and talked to the dr. I said I dont think you need to come.. She said ok (I really wasnt worried) she heard my voice and knew I was fine and said ok.. Dad however wanted to come.. so he came..
We went to the hospital and I was having contractions but didnt know it.. They put me on contraction monitors and said are you having a contraction I said no.. She said yes you are and a good one.. I said thats what that is... I have had those the whole pregnancy. I felt crazy not know I was contracting..
They did blood tests and the Dr came in (my BP was getting higher) Dr Rice said you have Preeclamsia. You are going to have a pre mature baby and she will probably have learning Disabilities and lots of food allergies and she wont be able to breathe on her own. She will be here for at least 3 months after she is born. She went on about other things that would be wrong with my Baby, but I started to zone out. I couldnt get the phrase Learning disabilities out of my head.
I was in full panic mode at this point. If my dad was honest he was too. He was red faced and wide eyes. He just said oh Jesus a few times and prayed. Eric was solid as a rock. He was task focused like what do we need to do next. I told Eric to call my mom because I knew i was going to cry and didnt want scare her worse then she already would be..
They took me to get an ultrasound to see if they thought abby could breathe on her own .. My mom came in when we were getting the ultrasound. Eric started telling her everything that was "going" to be wrong with abby. Telling her about preeclamsia and how I am at risk of stroke and on on on it goes.. I was just starting at my mom I saw her chin quiver and then I saw hold it back because she wanted to be strong.. I knew my mom was worried about her baby just as I was worried about mine. I looked at her and she looked at me and I said I am going to be ok mom. She was trying so hard not to cry, and so was I.
The DR put me in labor and delivery incase I had to have an emergency C section. The nurse have me something to help me sleep.. The medicine worked and I went to sleep. The next morning the Dr on call came in and said they were going to start me to start me on steroid shots (that helps the baby's lungs develop faster). You have to have 3 shots and you can only have them every 24 hours. They said we dont think you will make it this long but just incase you do we will start now..
All I heard was 3 shorts i have to take and Abby can breathe. So I said ok I am going to make it and get those shots.. They also said 24 hours after the last shot is best case. I said OK Lord YOU have to help me get to best case.. I told the Lord I was NOT having this baby before Thursday and He had to help me not stroke out to do it.
So there I was admitted to the hospital and I was going to be there until we met Abby. Tuesday came and I assured Eric I was fine and He could go to work.. My Father in Law would come and see me when he was at that hospital making rounds. My mother in law would come and sit with me in the mornings and bring me every trash mag ( i love them dont judge lol) you can think of among things. My parents would come in the afternoon and stay till late the evening and eric would come after he got off work he would spend the night with me, and go back to work in the morning. (they did this every day even after the Abby was born) (I couldnt have made it through without them all!)
Every day several times a day nurses and Drs. would take my BP and ask if I had headaches or change in vision.. I would always so no.. Even though by wednesday my head excruciating. I couldnt not and would not tell them! Abby had to stay in until Thursday! Thursday came and I made it! My head wasnt hurting as bad.. However then I started seeing spots.. Like fireflies... I told my mother in law that morning when she got there and she told the nurse.. Eric came and my parents came.. I noticed no one was leaving that day, but didnt think much of it.. Everyone but me knew We were going to have a baby that night. When my parents got there I saw Eric ask my mom if she wanted to come get a drink.. She said no I am good.. and He said oh sure you do.. So she did.. I saw when they came back she just sat the drink on the table and didnt ever touch it again.. I dont think they told my dad at that point.. Because he seemed calm.. Mom is normally the calm one and she seemed jumpy to me.. Eric was a ball of energy but that is nothing new..
FEb 7, 2008
They took me down for another ultrasound to see if abby could breathe on her own.. They decided they thought she had a good shot.. Eric then said Jess you know they are taking her tonight right.. I was amazed..
Before they took me to have a c section I kissed my parents told them I loved them and I could tell mom was worried.. I told her not to worry and kissed her..
I was in the OR waitng on Eric to come in and I was fine up to that point. Suddenly I felt paralyzed by fear. I thought ok I changed my mind how can I get out of this.. Crazy thought i know.. I had never been more scared.. I was just praying in my head begging the Lord to keep Abby alive and let her breath. I begged him to let me live so I could raise her with Eric. I love my husband but all I wanted in that moment to calm my fear was my mom.. I wanted her to tell me everything was going to be ok.. I knew I would believe her.. However in that moment I think she was more scared them I was and wouldnt have been able to do that lol.. Finally they let Eric in and He was talking to me.. I was wasnt saying a word.. and the nurses and Dr was saying how calm I am. Eric said no she isnt she is dying on the inside.. She is a wreck. (what can I say the man knows me)
Finally I said when are they going to start.. Eric said they are almost done.. I just kept praying softly Let Abby cry let her cry.. Finally I heard a little cry.. I started to cry.. They took her away (all i saw was her hair) and started looking and examining her.. She didnt need a ventilator. I was so happy and thankful to the Lord.. The Dr Brown said she is doing great.. 4pounds 7 ounces.. They wrapped her up and showed me her from across the room I saw my abby girl for the first time.. I couldnt see her again or hold her for the 1st time for another 30 hours..
I was on bed rest for the next 30 hours. Everyone got to hold Abby before me..
My mom at first wasnt going to hold her.. She said I will just go look.. I think you should hold her before I do.. I told her no you have to hold her.. I am glad you can hold her.. I would rather the people that love her get to hold her since I cant. Well I won... as you see a few pics above..
I would be in my room and Eric would bring me pictures of her. I would get upset if he took to long with my pictures lol..
I dont know why but we dont have a picture of me holding abby for the first time.. but this is close to it
I may not look happy, but I was just soaking up this little being.. I couldnt stop staring at her.
I remember being worried since I could hold abby right away if I could bond with her easily and her with me.. WHen I saw her and held her I never worried that again.. She was so small and so special and she was such a miracle .. I was just so happy to hold her and call her MINE.. She looks like me and if you know her now she has my personality.. She is a little me.. I prayed she would be stubborn because you need to be a stubborn female to live in this world for the the Lord.. Boy did i get my prayer!!!
Abby was such a miracle. They Dr told us she would be in the hospital 3 months she was there 7 days.. She was healthy as can be.. Her mother on the other hand had some health issues.. My blood pressure kept going up.. However the Dr.s got that under control and I was able to go home.. 6 days after abby was born.. (still on BP meds) I had to take the meds for about 6 months.. Then my BP went to normal..
I remember the nurses in the NICU (when i was worried about abby) Do not worry about her she is a fiesty. She will be out of here soon,,

Finally we wall went home and began our family of 3.....
Sorry it was such a long story.. and I left a lot out..
I will do maddies soon!
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