Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Hold on

PS 69-13
Save me, O God,
    for the waters have come up to my neck.
I sink in the miry depths,
    where there is no foothold.
I have come into the deep waters;
    the floods engulf me.
I am worn out calling for help;
    my throat is parched.
My eyes fail,
    looking for my God.

Psalm is a very special book in the bible..  It is like a diary.  It is honest.  It has emotion.  It is like the reality tv show of the Bible.

This book is so honest with the Lord.  I am not sure why we many times feel we have to hide our emotions and fears from the Lord.  He is our Father and He wants us to be honest with him about what we feel and think.  

The verses above sound like pretty horrible circumstances.  It sounds like he felt he was going to die.  He has been screaming and crying for help.  He keeps searching for the Lord but can not see Him.

I know I have been there in life.  

You feel like you are going to suffocate under the pressure of a current situation.  

Sometimes our eyes FAIL us..  We look and look and look for the Lord and can not see Him.  

However as Christ followers we can not always go one what we SEE or FEEL.  This is why knowing the word is so important, because when our our eyes fail us we go based on what we KNOW.  

I love after you get "through" something. Then you can turn around and look and see how the Lord was right there the whole time guiding you and standing with you.  So many people give up and dont try and make it through.  They never really see the Lord finish what He started because as humans we give up right before the Promise is fulfilled. 

We have to train ourselves to focus on Him through all of life's circumstances.  We also have to talk to him through all of our emotions.. He can handle it!   

Lord help my focus be on you and what is true throughout anything that comes my way.  Tune my ears to hear your voice the loudest and not my fear.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Excellent lesson. Thanks for sharing!